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I'm Min a Multidisciplinary Designer and Software Engineer

I have a passion for design and enjoy exploring new ideas through various mediums such as graphic design and fine arts. I enjoy experimenting with different concepts and I thrive on the challenge of turning a concept into a functional creation, whether in 2D or 3D design. My love of design fuels my curiosity and drives me to continue learning new techniques and exploring different mediums.

I'm Min a Multidisciplinary Designer and Software Engineer

I have a passion for design and enjoy exploring new ideas through various mediums such as graphic design and fine arts. I enjoy experimenting with different concepts and I thrive on the challenge of turning a concept into a functional creation, whether in 2D or 3D design. My love of design fuels my curiosity and drives me to continue learning new techniques and exploring different mediums.

I love to make art that's expressive



3D Project Thumbnail Image

3D Web Builder

Custom tool that helps create 3D websites using a JSON-driven user interface

- Work in Progress -

Let's work together

contact me at

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